Mid-Atlantic Congress (MAC)

What is the MAC?

The annual Mid-Atlantic Congress (MAC) is a unique and dynamic leadership conference created just for today’s Catholic pastoral and administrative leaders. As a participant, you will . . .

  • Learn about current trends and best practices
  • Renew your enthusiasm and energy for ministry
  • Enrich your spiritual life
  • Grow professionally and as a pastoral leader

MAC is co-sponsored by the Association of Catholic Publishers (ACP) which represents 60+ Catholic publishers of books, music, videos, programs, periodicals, and liturgical resources, and the Department of Evangelization at the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

What are MAC's measures of success?

We know that MAC has been successful when we have . . .

  • Been multicultural
  • Creatively used the Tradition
  • Engaged the participants
  • Used technology effectively
  • Addressed the needs of emerging leaders