ACP Welcomes Two New Groups as Members, Scholarship for People of Color

Posted By: Therese Brown ACP Member News,

The ACP Board of Directors approved two new categories of members, Content Creators and Students, at its February board meeting.

This expansion of member categories reflects both the changes in the publishing industry and the opportunities that ACP can offer these individuals as a professional organization.

"We are excited to welcome all of those professionals who create content of any kind that we publish--everything from designs to music--and students who are current and future partners and team members in our work and ministry," stated Therese Brown, ACP's executive director.

Through the generosity of one of the ACP members, there is a scholarship fund to help underwrite the costs of membership for a small number of new content creator and student members who are people of color. 

"Our industry needs to reflect the demographic changes in the Church and society if what we publish is to remain relevant," Brown noted.

Content creators are those who identify and develop the content that goes into any published work, i.e., book, song, image. Content creators would include authors, composers, bloggers, illustrators, artists, and designers among others.

Some of the membership benefits for content creators include the opportunity to develop contacts within the Catholic publishing field and industry more directly, greater and easier access to job and career opportunities within the Catholic publishing field and industry, and being part of the pool of professionals that ACP publisher members can readily draw on to meet their content needs.

Students are those actively and currently enrolled in a plan of study that may or may not end in a degree for a recognized institution of higher education, e.g., university, community college. 

ACP offers student member benefits including the following: 

  • Access to potential publishers especially for graduate students
  • Opportunities to demonstrate potential as content creators to Catholic publishers
  • Create access to job and career opportunities within the Catholic publishing field and industry
  • Opportunities for professional and career mentoring
  • Internship opportunities in the Catholic publishing field

To join the ACP, complete the online form.

To apply for a scholarship, please contact Therese Brown for details.